Monday, May 13, 2024

Compare & Contrast Characters


A Venn Diagram is a graphic organizer you can use when brainstorming similarities and differences between 2 or more stories, events, poems, creatures, people, poems, science data, shapes, etc.

To create a Venn Diagram, draw overlapping circles. Each circle represents something that you want to compare and contrast. Where circles intersect, you would write traits that the two things have in common.

Use these notebook pages to help you think of similarities and 
differences between the lamb and the jackalope in Boundin'! 

We can use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast their physical traits, character traits, actions, feelings, etc. 

[click on the image above to view and download the notebook pages] 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Multiply & Divide Decimals with The Power of 10!


This week we're SUPER excited to learn about the SUPER Power of Ten! Using exponents is an efficient way to write numbers that have a few too many zeeeeeros.

The exponent (or power) tells us how many zeros are in the number when the base number is 10.

The image below has a place for everything with everything in its place. The base can be any whole number, but today we are only focusing on the POWERS of TEN!

Here are the vocabulary words for this lesson: 
powers of ten
base number 

Multiplying and dividing using Powers of 10 is SUPER fun! 

When multiplying a decimal number by a power of ten, just count how many zeros you have and move the decimal to the RIGHT! 

When dividing a decimal number by Powers of 10, just look at the exponent or count how many zeros you have. Then, move the decimal to the LEFT!  

Games and other resources:

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dividing Decimals and Whole Numbers


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Adding & Subtracting Decimals


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Haiku Review


Today, we learned about...

On your Inside Out & Back Again Project, you will write a haiku about the book. You can write your poem about any character, setting, or event. You can also summarize the whole story in a haiku, if you want! 

As long as it's about Inside Out & Back Again AND follows the rules 
of haiku poetry, it will be AMAZING!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

April STEM Challenge



Our Feathered Friends

Birds have feathers, wings, lay eggs and are warm blooded. They also have hollow bones which help them fly. Some bird species, like crows, are intelligent enough to create and use tools!

For more information about birds, watch the video below!

There are around 10,000 different species of birds worldwide. More than 500 bird species have been observed in Washington State.


American Robin

Song Sparrow

American Crow

Black-capped Chickadee

Dark-eyed Junco

European Starling

Northern Flicker

Spotted Towhee

House Finch

American Goldfinch 

The American Goldfinch was designated as the Washington State Bird in 1951. This beautiful golden bird is found throughout our state and is commonly seen in flocks in fields, bushes and trees. 

Due April 26th!

Click on the Seattle Audubon Society link below for help identifying the birds that visit your feeder!