Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 36: Year-end Reflections


It's June! What an amazing year we've had! Let's take a few moments to reflect on the things we've done this school year.

For this week's response, think about the school year and complete one of the sentences below.
  • This year, I most enjoyed learning about...
  • I’ll never forget the day that...
  • A person I enjoyed meeting this year was...
Your comment will not be seen by others until I approve it. Please respond before Friday, June 3rd!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 35: Lesson Learned!


Thank you for all of the great questions last week. Wow! I really had to think about some of those and I learned a few things about myself in the process!

Well, it looks like May is drawing to a close and so is the school year. It has been fun to hear about all of the cool things you learned each month. Now, it's time to share one last time.

For this week's response, tell us about something you learned in one of your WAVA courses in May.

Your comment will not be seen by others until I approve it. Please respond before Friday, May 27th!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 34: The Tables are Turned!


You have done such an amazing job commenting our our blog week after week. I loved reading all of your responses and learning more about you this year. You are an amazing group of kids. Really. I love you all. 

Now it's time to turn the tables. For this week's response, you get to ask Mrs. Sol a question!

Is there anything that you would like to know about me? I will do my best to answer all of your questions to the best of my ability. So, this is your chance… ask away! The sky's the limit.
Your comment will not be seen by others until I approve it. Please respond before Friday,  May 20th!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 33: May, Acrosticly Speaking


Ahhhhhhhh May. What a wonderful time of year! May is the month when spring is in full bloom and summer is on its way! When you think of May, what comes to mind? For this week's response, we are going to create an Acrostic poem about the month of May.

Acrostic is a type of poem in which the first letter of each line spells a word.  To start, write the letters M A Y down the side of your paper. Then think of a word (or words) for each letter. Each line should describe the month of May.

Type your May poem in the comment box below. If you need help writing your poem, you can use Read Write Think's Acrostic Poem Maker. You can see a sample below!

Your comment will not be seen by others until I approve it. Please respond before Friday,  May 13th!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 32: Happy Mom's Day!


Thank you for all you do WAVA moms!

As you know, Mother's Day is on Sunday, May 8th. For this week's response we will take a few minutes to honor our moms, mommies, mamas and mothers.

What do you love most about your mom? I know there are many things to love, so try to think about three things your mom does that no one else can top!  In the comment box, list your top three favorite things about your mom. Parents can join in the fun and tell us about their moms too! The more the merrier, I always say.

She is always excited to see me or hear my voice when I call.

She gives thoughtful advice.

She is the BEST cook on the planet!

What do you love about your mom? 

Your comment will not be seen by others until I approve it. Please respond before Friday,  May 6th!

Seattle or Bust!


Hi! It's Wen checking in!  I had an amazing time in Seattle...

First Vlad the cat took me everywhere around the house.  He gave me the grand tour! 

Loki the dog dutifully gave me a bath every day!  Talk about hospitality.

Later, I accidentally mistook Tiber the Grumpy cat for Vlad, hoping for a ride out to the garden. Tiber wasn't very happy with me.

But, I did make it to the garden!  Benji just had planted tomatoes to add to his garden of raspberries, blueberries, various herbs, and other vegetables!

The next morning we got up super early to go to the Half-Priced Books Warehouse sale! The line was long, but we were near the front.

I found the perfect book for that grumpy old cat, Tiber!

After that we went to the University District to get Japanese food at Kikus and new plants for the garden at the Farmer's Market.  Benji and I helped pick out two new Tea plants for his Mommy for Mother's day.

While waiting for our food at Kiku's Benji made me a Money Rainbow over my head! 

Then we went fishing... we waited along time for Benji to catch only ONE fish, but Benji did catch the tree many times!

I had a great time with Benji and his family.  I can't wait to see where I will go next!

Thanks Benji!
Your pal,