Friday, December 18, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Pippi Longstocking!
11:21 AM 0 Comments ELA, literature, novel, Pippi Longstocking
In January, we will begin a novel study of Pippi Longstocking. When we are done, I will mark one of your "Choose a Novel" literature units complete on the OLS.
It's fine if you have already read the book (so have I!). We will read and discuss it together as a class. I created this novel study in order to cover most of the Literature Common Core Standards, including:
- Inferencing
- Theme
- Character Traits
- Idioms
- Comprehension
- Craft & Structure
- And much, much more!
You will need a
copy of Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren before our next SLASH
class on January 4. There are many versions with many covers. It doesn't matter
which one you get, just make sure it's titled "Pippi Longstocking"
(there are other books with other titles in the series).
I will k-mail a printable study guide at the beginning of January. For now, just track down a copy of the book. It will be easy to find, so check your local library or book store!
I will k-mail a printable study guide at the beginning of January. For now, just track down a copy of the book. It will be easy to find, so check your local library or book store!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
US History: Declaration of Independence
10:06 AM 0 Comments Colonial America, Declaration of Independence, ELA, history, non-fiction text, social studies, summary
Hey 5th Graders!
For our final US History assignment, please read the passage below and use the SWBST or 5W method to type up a summary. This assignment is due on Friday, December 18 and is worth 25 points in the gradebook (see rubric below for scoring information).
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Washington State: Final Test
6:58 PM 0 Comments history, social studies, unit test
Attention 4th Graders!
Wow! We gathered a ton of interesting information about Washington State during the last two months! Now it's time to see what you've learned.
Please complete the test below by Friday, December 18. It is worth 25 points in the gradebook.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
US History: The American Revolution
1:08 PM 1 Comments Colonial America, ELA, history, non-fiction text, Revolutionary War, social studies, text-based responses, US History
Hello fellow Americans!
Here is my favorite video summary of the Revolutionary War...
Here is today's lesson. Feel free to watch, pause, rewind, pause again, as you complete your 5Ws Summary!
Use the 5 W's to complete your notebook page. Then, combine all of the info into a short summary (not more than a few sentences)!
When you are done, edit your summary. Type it for your notebook page and then copy/paste it into the Google Form here.
Here is my favorite video summary of the Revolutionary War...
Rebels with a Cause
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Good 'ol Mrs. Sol
9:51 AM 0 Comments
Hey check me out! I'm ready to hang with Charlie Brown's gang!
It's the Peanutized Mrs Sol!
Here's the Peanutized Andrew!
Nice job Andrew! I especially like the sweet fuelband on your wrist!
Here's D...
Yes, Degenet's keepin' it real on the ice. Check him out! #styling
Would you like to turn yourself into a Peanuts character? If so, visit Peanutize Me! If you want me to add your creation to this post, download your image and k-mail it to me.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
US History: Road to the Revolution
1:46 PM 0 Comments Colonial America, ELA, history, non-fiction text, Revolutionary War, social studies, text-based responses, US History
Hey kids! Nice job in class today! As we navigate through our US History unit, we'll continue to work on summarizing.
Speaking of summarizing, here is a summary of what we've learned so far...
One nifty template to use when summarizing a story or historical event like The Road to the Revolution is a SWBST Chart.
The SWBST method will keep your summary concise and to the point!
Take the events that led to the Revolutionary, for example...
"Somebody" could be the colonists.
What did the colonists want?
Get it?
Use information in the lesson below to summarize the events that led to the Revolutionary War. Combine all of the information you listed and create a paragraph. Print your edited paragraph and glue it onto the notebook page above. Then, copy and paste your edited summary into this Google Form.
Monday, November 30, 2015
It's December?!
1:45 PM 0 Comments
Yep, December is here!
Work hard to get caught up this month, so you can enjoy winter break.
The goal is 38% by December 18.
[click on the calendar to enlarge it]
If you're still behind on December 18, do some work over break!
The first semester ends on January 31, so now's the time to catch up.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
2-Digit Multiplication
9:54 AM 0 Comments 4.NBT.5, math, multiplication, partial products
This week in Class Connect we are learning how to multiply multi-digit numbers (2-digit numbers to be exact.
Let's review a couple helpful vocabulary words from this lesson...
Here is a video tutorial to help you understand how to multiply multi-digit numbers.
Don't forget the magic ZERO to hold your place before switching to the tens place!
When solving problems like this, it's very important to write neatly and keep everything lined up. By using a data box, all information will be in one place. The grid helps with lining numbers up before you add.
Here is an example of a data box. Thanks Matthew!
[click on the image for a closer look]
In math class this year, you have learned about partial products too. When solving multi-digit math problems, use the strategy that works for you.
Thanks for the sweet graphics Mr. Elementary Math!
Here's a video to help understand partial products, if that's more your style.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
US History: Colonial America
11:49 AM 0 Comments Colonial America, ELA, history, non-fiction text, social studies, text-based responses, US History
5th graders are continuing along with the study of early American history. This week, Colonial America!
Here is today's lesson. Use this video as a review and to copy the vocabulary definitions into your SLASH notebook.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
1:46 PM 0 Comments 4.NBT.5, math, multiplication
4th graders are reviewing multiplication this week. We'll start with single digit multipliers. Next week, we'll kick it up a notch.
Please watch the video below, then complete the practice page.
Remember that Multiplication Chart I sent out earlier in the year?
That may come in handy!
Please send me your answers before Friday. You can k-mail them, e-mail them, or text them to me. Just remember, no calculators are allowed on this assignment.
Seriously, Darth?
Thanks guys!
Happy Hierarchies :)
Hey kids!
This week 5th graders are continuing a study of polygons in math class. If you need a refresher as to what a quadrilateral is, check out this movie. I apologize in advance if it gets stuck in your head for, like, ever.
Woooaaahhh...Woooaaahhh... Quad-ri-later-als... Quad-ri-later-als...
Our 5.G.3 notebook pages include vocabulary words and three handy charts. You may need several pages to fit all of the information. Check your k-mail for printable pages!

This week 5th graders are continuing a study of polygons in math class. If you need a refresher as to what a quadrilateral is, check out this movie. I apologize in advance if it gets stuck in your head for, like, ever.
Woooaaahhh...Woooaaahhh... Quad-ri-later-als... Quad-ri-later-als...
During our last class we learned some important vocabulary words we could use to describe a polygon:
Plane, parallelogram, congruent, quadrilateral
to name a few.
Below you will find our lovely Polygon Brainstorm.
As with all images on this site, click on the picture for a larger view.
Now, we will take the info we already have in our brains (and notebooks), and learn to classify polygons. Here are a few images to help you get started.
- a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
A hierarchy in geometry is very similar to the definition above. Except instead of talking about people (like military ranks), we are classifying shapes based on their properties. You start with a broad category at the top of the chart, like "Polygons." As you add branches, you split off to define specific properties of shapes.
Here is the example we used in our math notebooks. In the chart below, "Quadrilaterals" is at the top of the hierarchy. As you branch off from that general term, you get more and more specific. I enlarged the chart on this page, so you can use it to complete your math notebook page, if needed.
Here is another hierarchy chart I found online. I know how you like happy shapes, so you may want to add this chart to your math notebook. That's what I'm going to do! Click on the image for a printable version. Thanks Ms. BBZ!
Awwwww... Such a cute and happy polygon family!
Here are four fun and interesting math resources that have to do with this week's math concept.
Click here for a few flashcards to help you remember the geometry vocabulary you learned in Chapter 2 and in Class Connect.
Now, on to fractions!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
US History: European Explorers
11:12 AM 0 Comments ELA, explorers, history, non-fiction text, social studies, summary, US History
In SLASH this month, 5th graders are learning about US History. First stop, The Age of Exploration! You did an excellent job reading in class today. Now it's time to take that information and turn it into a summary. Cool!
When writing a summary about a famous person, event, or topic, focus on the basic and important facts. Who? What? Where? Why? When?
Remember to...
- Keep your summary short.
- Write about the main ideas.
- Use your own words and key words from the text.
- Do not include your opinion or tell how you feel about the topic.
For this week's assignment, you will write a summary about one of the explorers we studied. Choose an explorer from the slideshow above and complete the Exceptional Explorer notebook page. More information about explorers (and games!) from The Age of Discovery can be found on this site:
This sheet outlines important facts. Use your notes as a guide for your summary.
The first step is to gather information about your explorer and take notes. Add a photo or colored drawing of your explorer in the frame!
Using the information above, type up a summary. Cut it out and glue it into the box on your notebook page (single spaced). Be sure to include an introduction sentence, all of the important information from your notes, and a conclusion sentence. Remember, do not add your opinion about the explorer... only add facts.
Here is a helpful rubric for summary writing:
Key Instructional Elements for Non-Fiction Summaries:
Has a main idea/concept
Includes important facts and details
Is in the writer’s own words
Direct use of text from selections should have quotation marks
Reflects underlying meaning
Includes details in logical order
Has a main idea/concept
Includes important facts and details
Is in the writer’s own words
Direct use of text from selections should have quotation marks
Reflects underlying meaning
Includes details in logical order
Here is a look at a completed Exceptional Explorer notes and summary page. If you send me a picture of your notebook page (complete, neat and colorful), I will give you +5 extra credit in the gradebook!
You can click on any image on this page for a closer look.
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