sim·i·le [sim-uh-lee] noun

Here are a few examples of similes:
- They fought like cats and dogs.
- She is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
- He ran like the wind.
- Your explanation is as clear as mud.
It was a hot day!
The day was as hot as a firecracker on a chili pepper!
Get it?
Okay, now it's your turn! In the comment box, write your best simile. It can be about yourself, the weather outside, Mrs. Sol, autumn, your pet, or something else you'd like to describe.
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My rabbit is as puffy as a cotton ball.
Mrs. Sol is as sweet as cotton candy.
A headache on Monday morning is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
A good essay is about as rare as a sunny October day in Washington State.
I can run as fast as lightning.
Mrs. Sol is as warm as the morning sun!
your knife is as dull as a rock! That knife couldn't cut butter!
The paint color is like desert sand.
Muhamed Ali was known for this simile when he was interviewed about his boxing technique.
I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
This game is as exciting as watching paint dry!
The news hit me like a ton of bricks.
it's colder than a bucket of dry ice in a snowstorm.
Some days in the Northwest are as wet as a glass of water sitting at the bottom of a lake.
It's as hot as a sauna full of lava.
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