Many of you are taking the state assessment this month. Others will take it in May! Since the test dates are different for everyone, depending on where you live, I thought I should share this with everyone now.
Students, when taking the ELA test remember what we learned about answering all parts of the question. If it is a written response, you should use the RACE method when answering. Cite evidence to "prove" your answer is correct.

You will also be asked to write multiple paragraphs using information from the sources provided. On the state test, all 5th graders will write one of these:
- a NARRATIVE – write a story that entertains the audience.
- an INFORMATIVE essay – write a 5 paragraph essay that informs.
- a OPINION paper - write a 5 paragraph essay that persuades.
If you want to review or practice for the state assessment:
« Look through your CC math and SLASH notebooks to review what we've learned this year!
« Visit Stride
« Complete test
prep problems in Edulastic.
« Check out sample questions on the Smarter Balanced site!
OOPS! Sorry if you are singing "Let it gooooooooooooo..." for the next 12 hours.
A few reminders...
On the day of your test:
- Be on time.
- Bring a photo ID (adult's drivers license, student ID, etc.).
- HULK UP your answers and essays by citing evidence from the text, video, graphic features, etc.
- Bring headphones, if you have them (you can also use noise-cancellation headphones!).
- You can chew gum during the test, if it will help you focus.
- Don't forget to BREATHE...
You will do a great job, I know it! I am already proud of you.
Happy Testing!
Mrs. Sol
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