Neatest Writing
Colorful Illustrations and Images
No errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
Colorful Illustrations and Images
No errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
This is a final project and it will take time.
Luckily, you have until January 5 to complete it.
Luckily, you have until January 5 to complete it.
Choose One:
(click on the images to enlarge them)
If you choose to do the Book Reflection for your project, you will write a creative HAIKU about the novel Pippi Longstocking.
What's a Haiku?
This assignment is worth 50 points in the gradebook. The scoring guide is the same for both projects:
All illustrations should pop off the page. Sometimes it helps a project look "finished" when you use a fine tip black marker to outline the illustrations. Then, color in the whole image... background too!
Here is a sample of a student's illustration that is "neat and colorful"...
Then, UPLOAD it to FILE SHARING on your OLS.
