Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Good Readers Infer!

Today in class we learned about making inferences. This is something we do all the time when we are reading, enjoying movies, or even watching television commercials. To infer you need to find clues in the text and look for evidence in the pictures. You also use your background knowledge and pull from your past experiences to "read between the lines."

Here's a movie about inferences to help you understand the concept.

Got it?

Okay, let's give this a try.

What can you infer from this picture?

Mrs. Sol's response: I can see the boy has a blue tongue. From my past experience, I know that kids usually have blue tongues when they are eating something blue. I infer that the boy in the picture recently ate a blue popsicle, lollipop or candy (and he's happy about it). 

Now, use the same skills to infer details from a text passage...

Why is Jacob upset?

Jacob walked out of the shopping mall with his arms full of bags and the sun shining on him. As he approached his car, he started awkwardly feeling around his pockets with his arm full of bags. He did not find what he was looking for so he transferred the bags on one arm to the other arm, which already had bags. Jacob had a lot of bags on one arm. He still couldn't find what he was looking for. Now he dropped the bags and plunged both hands desperately into all of the pockets on his jeans. With a look of despair, Jacob ran to his car. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Then he saw something on the passenger seat of the car. He stopped looking and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Based on evidence given in the text, why do you think Jacob is upset? What happened? What can you infer from the information you have?

Finally, here's a commercial that you may have seen.

What does the boy think when the car starts?

This commercial tells a story, but without words. Can you infer enough information to answer the question? Inferencing skills you must have, young padawan. 

Here are some fun resources to help you practice your inferencing skills.

Keep up the great work!

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