Thursday, September 3, 2015


What's SLASH, you ask? It's Language Arts with a little Science, Social Studies and History mixed in. Since Language Arts involves a lot of reading, discussion and writing, many of our lessons will feature historical events, famous Americans, Washington history, scientific wonders and other general awesomeness. We'll even dive into a novel or two!

SLASH is a multiple-subject smorgasbord, if you will.

Anywho, I enjoyed seeing my students in Class Connect this week! Wow, I have a bright group this year! In SLASH today, students did an impressive job of reading aloud, finding evidence in the text and answering questions like old pros... AND IT WAS THE FIRST DAY!
We learned a handy "recipe" for making sure our answer is complete and convincing when talking about something we've read.

Are you ready to R.A.C.E.? 

Here is an example...

[click on any picture on this post to enlarge it]

If you'd like to print R.A.C.E. strategy information 
and sample text above click here.

Every week we will practice our text-based responses in one way or another, so by the end of the year you'll all be experts! This skill will come in handy in all courses from now, through college... and beyond.


This year we will save all of our Math and SLASH Class Connect notes and assignments in a spiral notebook. By June, you will have a cool (and super-fat) spiral notebook with all of the lesson information from the ENTIRE YEAR in one place! Please remember to bring your math and ELA notebooks to class each week. Notebook pages will be sent via k-mail, so you can add them to your notebook before class. You can also find many of them here.

Here is a peek at my 5th grade SLASH spiral

Today's R.A.C.E. printable should be added, right after the Table of Contents.

I used the Grip and Rip technique to add my pages...


Homework Due 10/7/15:

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