Monday, June 9, 2014

Eeek! Last Week!

Hello and welcome to our almost last post! Where has the year gone? I had a fun time getting to know my AWESOME and AMAZING students this year!

Here are a few of the highlights (in my opinion)...

Monday Meetings
K-mails from Kids
Show & Tell
Aliens and ninjas sneaking into Quick Writes
The barn owl laying eggs!
Kid of the Week
Henry Huggins
The Rats of NIMH
Little House on the Prairie
Playing Would You Rather?
Meeting your pets on webcam
Quick Writes
Fabulous Work Samples
Thoughtful Weekly Question Responses
Blog Comments
X Bingo!
Vamp strolling over every time I start talking in CC.

{sniff, sniff}

What's your favorite memory from Mrs. Sol's Class?

Work hard this week! Try to get to 95% or more in all subjects.
Attendance should be at 900 hours by Tuesday, June 10.
Report cards and Scantron reports will be k-mailed on Friday!

Over and out,


  1. thanks for a cool year mrs.sol!

    Amaya :-)

  2. Math Bingo was awesome and my favorite!! I'm going to miss you. :( Have a fun summer! 8^)
