Tuesday, November 11, 2014

In Honor of Our Veterans

This Veterans Day, Mrs. Sol's Class would like to honor the brave soldiers in our lives...

Mr. Sol

Lacie's cousin Tyler

Willis Cutler, U.S. Navy

"Andrew wanted to send in a picture of his Great-Grandpa Bill for Veteran's Day. Willis Cutler (Bill) served in the Navy during World War II. His stories are amazing and we are grateful that he is still with us today."

Ed Philips, U.S. Navy

J.C., U.S. Marine Corps

"Here is a picture of Olivia and her cousin J.C. He is an active Marine currently stationed in Hawaii. He has been sent on tour to Iraq once and Afghanistan three times. His last trip to Afghanistan some of his platoon stepped on a IED. He luckily wasn't hurt badly and was honored for his bravery and helping his platoon. He is our family hero."

On Veteran’s Day we honor
Soldiers who protect our nation.
For their service as our warriors,
They deserve our admiration.
Some of them were drafted;
Some were volunteers;
For some it was just yesterday;
For some it’s been many years;
We owe so much to them,
Who keep us safe from terror,
So when you see a uniform,
Please say "thank you" to the wearer.

 If you would like to salute a military veteran in your family, send his or her name and photo to me via k-mail or e-mail this week and I will add them to our honor page!

Thank you for your service.


  1. My mother is a disabled vet she jumped out of the truck in training and hurt her knee

  2. My Grandfather was a veteran in the Vietnam war. he passed away a few years ago.
    I have 2 cousins that are veterans now. They are away and we miss them.
    ~Sami and Jonny

  3. my mother is one she has potellapomoall it sounds and is bad also hard to spell
    she was in the army and got hurt

  4. my grandpa is a veteran and my uncle is a veteran too

  5. My uncle Rod is a veteran and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. My great grandpa served in World War 2. My moms friends husband was in the attack of Pearl Harbor and just passed away. Also my adopted grandmas son in law is currently serving in Bahrain. Darla
