Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome Bloggers!

Hey there now! If you found this blog, I bet you are in my class this year! To find out more about me or to read about our exciting class program, check out our class website.

This year, we will use this blog as a fun way to communicate with one another. As you may already know, weekly communication between teacher and student is very important. A blog is an easy way to keep in touch while learning about your virtual classmates!

Each week, I will publish a new post on this blog. Posts may include an activity, a question, a sample of student work, or another school-related idea. Sometime during the week, please leave a comment using your first name only. It will be fun to see what other students have written as well!

Kids who comment will be entered into a lollipop drawing. If I pull your name out of my hat, I'll send you a lollipop in the mail!

Are you ready to join the blogging world? Feel free to leave a comment below (click here for help). Then stay tuned for our first official post next week!

Blog ya later,


  1. Hi! I'm Darla and I am so glad I'm in your class this year. It is going to be really fun. Bye for now.

  2. I like your blog Mrs.sol

  3. hope I can come to the picnic! :D

  4. i am finally aloud to post

  5. Hello
    I enjoyed coming to the picnic.
    Nice meeting you, Mrs. Sol
