Calling all Super Students and LCs!
Whether this is your first year with WAVA or your fifth, you are the virtual school experts! Think about what it felt like to enroll in WAVA for the first time. What was it like when you first started? I bet you had a ton of questions!
For this week's response...
What advice would you give
to a new WAVA student or LC?
Your comment will not be seen by others until I approve it. Please respond before Friday, June 10th!
Don't get frustrated step back and breath. Take it one day at a time. Get organized it helps. Ask for help.
Do the hard subjects before the easy subejects because the hard subjects take longer to do then the easy subjects.
My Mom and I set a goal to finish early so we can schedule a monthly trip to Powells or the zoo.
With WAVA, it's really important to stay organized.Keep all your books in a shelf and clean up all your stuff once you're finished. It's also smart to participate in different activities where you can socialize with other people, such as the YMCA or church youth groups. You can also go to the WAVA outings. If you participate in these kinds of activities, you probably won't be very lonely.
When I started I did not know how to do half the stuff I was saposta do. In Wava you get to finish school.
Well new WAVA students,
At first I didn't think I could make it through because I saw so much work on every day. But in Public school I would just do one kind of subject a day which then I didn't have to remember so much stuff (example: Mon = GRAMMAR Tue = History). Well that's the same technique I would use now, which is really legit!
I cant believe I'm almost done. So if you like my advice try it. It might help. And I know I couldn't do it without my family ...and Mrs.Sol
Well for me being in kindergarten it was most likely to be easy because I only had four subjects. My mom would work with my sister first and me at the end because it was so easy. So the advice for you little pre-schoolers is don't think its going to be hard. After two weeks I got the hang of it like pie.
WAVA is a cool school! Go to all the outings and elluminates because they are fun!
When I 1st started, I did not know the stuff I should have for my grade level AND I hated school but by taking it slow at 1st my mom has gotten me to where I enjoy most of my subjects and I'm starting to get caught up.
And if your tired you can start your day later or take a break whenever you need to. Also, if you have a cool LC you just might get to have school in your pj's.
Have your school area/room organized so you and your student know where everything goes and they can help collect items for the class. Post the schedule in area/room so that you both know what you will be doing for any particular day and if you discover that schedule is not working for you go in and adjust it to work for you.
Remember that your mom or dad is your teacher when you are in your classroom and that you need to pay attention to them.
When I first started WAVA I was kinda scared. Then my mom and I got in a routine that made it easy and fun. Remember to stay positive!
I think just getting a certain amount of lessons per day will keep you up, and then at the end of the year pack as many lessons as you can to get it over with. Like I finished yesterday, so I get a big summer. YAY!!
I like being able to do work any time and take breaks any time but i so miss my friends
Have fun, try not to get behind and relax!
Wava has a program called study island. It is a fun and educational program.
If you are behind on a certain subject you can switch it out with a different one to get back on track.
They have excellent teachers and support staff.
Getting started is hard, because you don't know what you're going to do and you're not used to the schedule. But once you know what's required of you, YOU CAN DO IT!!
If your family has a lot of kids, sometimes your mom won't be able to help you for a while. I found that going and playing with toys or swinging outside for a while gave her time to be ready for me. You can make sure your hair is brushed and you are dressed for the day, that is helpful.
When you fist start it is a little hard, because you don't know all the things that you want to know. While you get into tho year it gets WAY WAY easier! I believe that YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!
P.S. The year flies BY!!!!
Do your school with ease, because if you get frustrated to much then
you wont be good at concentrating:(
If you work hard and keep at it, you can really learn subjects well and you are not rushed. The Study Island lessons are fun and you learn to. Go to the field trips, they are very fun. It is 100 times better than going into the local public school.
Make sure you attend the Author's Chair and do the bingo. The Science is really fun. The Elluminates are really fun. The stories in Literature are fun. You will learn and enjoy being a WAVA student.
To Learning Coaches: Communicate the daily expectations and the week's progress goals to the students. Utilize the help and knowledge of the teacher if you have questions or need suggestions. Keep a journal of what each student did for schooling that day and how they did with their attitude and focus and the joys and/or the frustrations you experienced. Be sure to enter in the attendance daily, or at the very least, by the end of the week. Remember that your time with your children as children is precious and make it memorable.
For the students:
Stick to a daily schedule. Cooperate with your learning coach and keep your focus on the learning goal. Realize what you do in your learning of your subjects are going to help you, society and your future family.
welcome! when u or joining this school its really fun!
but your perents allwase should help u or your brother or sister!
Stay focused. Don't get mad. Don't forget to blog. Look forward to learning more than you used to!
At first it was easy peasy lemon squeezy , then it got harder and harder but then I get it and it got super interesting and I really really like to learn about the wrriors in Ancient History, the really strong ones are really cool.
If anyone was scared I would tell them it's realy fun and you'll get really good at it. It's really fun to learn about new things!
Bailey Green
Mom say's :If the student gets frustrated we talk about it, and sometimes just turn the music up really loud and dance! FORGET IT!!!! Just change the atmosphere and things will get better.
The best thing about being a WAVA student is you get breaks more than regular school and you finish your school earlier so there is more play time.
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