Friday, December 18, 2020

Happy Break!



Monday, November 30, 2020

Monday Maestros - Best Day of My Life


Wow! Y'all found a lot of figurative language
and meaning in this song! Nice work!

I also loved hearing you discuss the lyrics 
with your friends in breakout rooms. 

For our first ever Maestro Monday, I'm giving you an A++.

Here's the song again, if you would like to sing along!

Click on the lyrics below for the printable version.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Division is Di-lovely


Hey kids! Let's review how to find quotients of whole numbers with up to 4-digit dividends! Sweet!

Here's a catchy tune to help you remember the steps of long division!

Sometimes it helps to have a good old fashioned multiplication chart handy. You can use it for long division, finding area, fractions, and of course multiplication. I like this one because it's colorful and easy to use. If you think you might want to use one, you can print it out and glue it to the inside of your math notebook cover.

If you would like some extra help with division or you're in the mood for a new math game. Click on the links below!

Remember to e-mail me if you have questions or need help.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Personal Narrative Assignment: Topic


Personal Narrative Topic


Hey there ink slingers!
I'm so excited to begin writing our personal narratives!

Over the next 4 weeks, you will learn about narrative writing in your Summit ELA course and with your classmates in Class Connect on Wednesdays!

When we meet in class, be sure to bring your updated notebook, your ELA Activity Book, a pencil, and your yeti-tude! We are going to have so much fun learning from each other, so always remember to attend your live sessions.

This week, we are going to choose a topic to write about. Since we're writing PERSONAL NARRATIVES, we are going to choose a meaningful event from our lives to share.

Use your brainstorming sheet to make a list of as many people, places, and things you can think of from your life. Then, write down any memories you have - this is your possible topic list! 

Choose one topic from each section and highlight it. 

(click on the notebook page for a closer look)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Division Area Model Sample Problem


 Okay, I solved problem #4 on page 20 of your Math Activity Book on my webcam. I ZOOMED IN, so you can see my work clearly and hear my thought process.

Hopefully this helps with the area model mystery! 😅

Click on the video for a closer look in full-screen view.

In place of tomorrow's "Multi-digit Division Strategies (C)" quiz, please upload a clear scan or picture of your work on page 20 from your math book. 

This assignment is due Friday and must be uploaded to File Sharing for credit. 

CLICK HERE for instructions on how to upload to File Sharing. 

If you still need help with this concept, I will offer an optional help session on  Thursday at 2:00.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Happy 1st Day of School!


Well hello there!

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I am Mrs. Sol, your WAVA teacher. I would like to officially welcome you to my class! I am so excited to have you!
Everything you need to get started (and a lot more) can be found on our
class website. I have also created a this blog to share lesson information and helpful resources.

5th grade courses will not be added to the Online School until tomorrow morning. Follow your OLS Plan and do everything listed each day, including Class Connect Zoom meetings that say “required.”

You will begin working in your online courses on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. This week, we will focus on getting set up for a successful year!

Below, you will find our September calendar with all the dates and times of required Class Connects this month. During our live sessions, you will learn a lot from each other, have the opportunity to ask questions, and show what you've learned! Please schedule all appointments and extracurricular activities outside of our CC time.

(click on the calendar for the printable version)

I’ll see you at Orientation!


Friday, June 12, 2020

Yay! Summer!


Have a wonderful summer and enjoy middle school!

Don't forget to keep in touch!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Class of 2020!


Check your email for a link to our class
5th Grade Promotion video!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Polygon Family


Hey kids!

This week 5th graders are continuing a study of polygons in math class. If you need a refresher as to what a quadrilateral is, check out this movie. I apologize in advance if it gets stuck in your head for, like, ever.


  1. a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

A hierarchy in geometry is very similar to the definition above. Except instead of talking about people (like military ranks), we are classifying shapes based on their properties. You start with a broad category at the top of the chart, like "Polygons." As you add branches, you split off to define specific properties of shapes. 

In the chart below, "Quadrilaterals" is at the top of the hierarchy. As you branch off from that general term, you get more and more specific. 

Here is another hierarchy chart I found online. I know how you like happy shapes, so you may want to add this chart to your math notebook. That's what I'm going to do! Click on the image for a printable version. Thanks Ms. BBZ!

Awwwww... Such a cute and happy polygon family!

Here are four fun and interesting math resources that have to do with this week's math concept.

Click here for a few flashcards to help you remember the geometry vocabulary you learned in Summit Math 5.

Monday, June 1, 2020

It's June! Wait. What?


Click on the calendar for a printable version.

10 more days! Finish strong! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020



This week we are learning about cool polygons like rectangles, quadrilaterals, and parallelograms.

Can you say "parallelogram" 5 times fast?

Didn't think so.



Here's a catchy tune that is not cheesy at all.

Woooaaahhh...Woooaaahhh... I'm Quad-ri-later-al... Quad-ri-later-al...

Here are a few fun geometry games too!

Keep up the great work!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Science Unit 8: Physiology Review


Before taking your Animal Physiology
assessment in science,
let's review the systems of the human body.

For more information, activities, flashcards, and
a pracrice quiz, click the link below!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Henry Huggins - Chapter 6


Made with Padlet

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Henry Huggins - Chapter 5


Made with Padlet

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Respiratory System


In science, we're learning about the human body.

Here's an interesting movie about the very important 

Respiratory System

Since it's always better to find information from more than one source,
here's another video about our lungs and how they work.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Yay! May!


Here is the May class calendar. Please click on the image below, print it, and post it in your work area. 

You will have a lighter OLS course schedule on May 19, 26, and 27 due to testing. I am also removing the End of Year Test in math, since we are doing something similar on May 19.

You may use your math notebook on all Year-End Assessments, so make sure yours is updated before May 19th!

Have a marvelous May!

Henry Huggins - Chapter 4


Made with Padlet

Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Thursday, April 23, 2020

Henry Huggins - Chapter 3


Made with Padlet

Wednesday, April 22, 2020



Thursday, April 16, 2020

Gallons of Guppies Padlet 2


Made with Padlet

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Henry & Ribs Padlet 1


Made with Padlet

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Opinion Essay Self Reflection


Click on an image to download and print!

Friday, March 20, 2020

A Super Important Message


Thursday, March 19, 2020

We've Got the Power!


This week we're SUPER excited to learn about the SUPER Power of Ten! Using exponents is an efficient way to write numbers that have a few too many zeeeeeros.

Here are the vocabulary words for this lesson: 
powers of ten
base number 

The exponent (or power) tells us how many zeros are in the number when the base number is 10.

The image below has a place for everything with everything in its place. The base can be any whole number, but today we are only focusing on the POWERS of TEN!

The number above really means 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000.
(exponent of 3 = 3 zeros)

Multiplying with powers of ten is SUPER fun! When multiplying a whole number by a power of ten, just count how many zeros you have and attached that to the whole number! If you use exponents, they'll tell you how many zeros you need. Just ask 'em.

Now for DIVISION...

The video below will explain how to use the power of ten to quickly divide numbers. The SUPER cool thing is that you can do all of this in your head. 

Dividing a number makes it smaller. When dealing with powers of ten, you just move the decimal to calculate your answer. In class today we remembered that a whole number has an invisible decimal on its right.


When you multiply or divide by powers of 10, you just change the location of the decimal point. you can multiply by powers of 10 simply by moving the decimal point to the right the number of places shown by the exponent on the 10 (or the number of zeros in the power of 10, if written out). when dividing, move the decimal point to the left the number of places shown by the power of 10. remember that the decimal point is always located after the ones place, so in the whole number 23, the decimal point is located after the 3 ones.

Games and other resources:

What's so wonderful about a zero, anyway?

Have a super evening!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

RACE: Water Safety


Tuesday, March 10, 2020